









Sekilas Tentang TEKNIK ELEKTRO


Following the ambition to educate our nations, Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University is opening new majors for Electrical Engineering and Machine Engineering according to Surat Keputusan Rektor Universitas Diponegoro Nomor : 144/SK/PT09.3/1981, December 19th 1981 about the forming of Feasibility Study of Opening a new Study Program team.

With Ir. Marwoto Kusumopradono as the chief and Ir. Joetata Hadihardaja, the Dean of Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University as the responsible person for the quality team. The team did a comparative study for quality with UGM Yogyakarta in January 1982, with ITB Bandung in March 1982 and April 1982. The team also visited some governmental institutes in Semarang such as Pemda Dati I, PLN and BKPMD.

The team work resulted as the Rector of Diponegoro University issued SK No. 158/SK/PT09/1982 in December 6th 1982 about the official opening of the bachelor major of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. According to the prior SK, the Dean of Engineering Faculty started to accepting enrollment for students in 1983/1984. Electrical Engineering included in Mathematics major and Mechanical Engineering included in Chemical Engineering major.

In the year 1985/1986 Electrical Engineering students still included in Mechanical Engineering major until 1986/1987 when Electrical Engineering officially become a major in the Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University according to SK Dirjen Dikti No. 47/DIKTI/Kep/1986 in December 26th 1986. The major of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Diponegoro University officially open in 1983/1984.

Until 1997, Electrical Engineering occupied one of the buildings of Engineering Faculty in Jl. Hayamwuruk 5-7 Semarang. The first laboratory is a 3×6 meters room belonged to Civil Engineering in Jl. Dr. Sutomo, Kalisari, Semarang. The classroom were using the room of Architecture, Civil and Chemical Engineering in Jl. Hayamwuruk and Jl. Mataram. The first lecturer is Ir. Sulasno. As time goes by, Electrical Engineering got it is own classroom and laboratorium in Pemda Jateng’s building in Jl. Hayamwuruk and a building in the back of diponegoro mosque. The lecturer staffs are also increasing with Ir. Ngatelan, Ir. Yuningtyastusi, Ir. Sudjadi, etc.

In 1998, Electrical Engineering is moved to Tembalang Campus (about 10kms from the old campus). The new campus is 350Ha, occupied some parts of the Faculty of Engineering with two-stores main building which is building A and building B. The building A is used for lecturer’s room, administration room and library meanwhile for building B is used for classroom, laboratory and student’s activity. In January 24th 2014 through Surat Mandat Nomor 66/E.E2/DT/2014


Laboratorium Elektronika dan Mikroprosesor

Kegiatan praktikum yang dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Elektronika dan Mikroprosesor:

  1. Dasar Elektronika
  2. Sistem Digital

Kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknik Elektronika dan Mikroprosesor terkait dengan :

  1. Desain Rangkaian Elektronik
  2. Aplikasi Mikrokontroler
  3. Robotika

Laboratorium Konversi Energi Listrik dan Sistem Tenaga

Kegiatan praktikum yang dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Konversi Energi Listrik dan Sistem Tenaga:

  1. Dasar Konversi Energi
  2. Pengukuran Besaran Listrik
  3. Gejala Medan Tinggi
  4. Elektronika Daya
  5. Iluminasi
  6. Motor Listrik
  7. Penggunaan Mesin Listrik
  8. Proteksi dan Sistem Relay

Kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Konversi Energi Listrik dan Sistem Tenaga terkait dengan :

  1. Analisis Sistem Jaringan Tenaga Listrik
  2. Tegangan Tinggi
  3. Energi Terbarukan
  4. Elektronika Daya

Laboratorium Telekomunikasi dan Pengolahan Sinyal

Kegiatan praktikum yang dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Telekomunikasi dan Pengolahan Sinyal:

  1. Dasar Sistem Telekomunikasi
  2. Sistem Telekomunikasi I
  3. Sistem Telekomunikasi II
  4. Sistem Telekomunikasi III

Kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Telekomunikasi dan Pengolahan Sinyal terkait dengan :

  1. Simulasi Jaringan Seluler
  2. Traffic

Laboratorium Teknik Kontrol Otomat

Kegiatan praktikum yang dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Teknik Kontrol Otomat:

  1. Dasar Sistem Kontrol
  2. Kontrol Proses Manufakturing

Kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Teknik Kontrol Otomat terkait dengan :

  1. Teknik Kontrol Proses
  2. Aplikasi Sistem Kontrol Industri
  3. Robotika

Laboratorium Pemodelan dan Simulasi

Kegiatan praktikum yang dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Pemodelan dan Simulasi :

  1. Pemodelan dan Identifikasi Sistem
  2. Kontrol Analog
  3. Kontrol Digital

Kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Pemodelan dan Simulasi terkait dengan :

  1. Pemodelan dan Simulasi Sistem Kontrol
  2. Sistem Kontrol Cerdas
  3. Pengembangan Metode Kontrol

Laboratorium Komputer dan Informatika.

Kegiatan praktikum yang dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Komputer dan Informatika :

  1. Prak. Pemrograman Komputer
  2. Prak. Sistem Basis Data
  3. Prak. Jaringan Kompuer
  4. Prak. Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
  5. Prak. Interface dan Periperal
  6. Prak. Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek

Kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Komputer dan Informatika terkait dengan :

  1. Implementasi Data Base
  2. Perancangan Sistem Informasi
  3. Desain Jaringan Komputer
  4. Implementasi Internet of Things
  5. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)

The vision of Electrical Engineering of Engineering Department in Undip is to become an  excellent major in science and research at international level in the year 2020.

Electrical Engineering Department Mission:

  1. Conducting an excellent electrical education which would result to graduates who have the competencies in both national and international level.
  2. Conducting a qualified research that would be published in both national and international level.
  3. Implementing community service by giving a consultation, providing engineering help, education and professional training which is relevant with electrical field
  4. Escalating quality, professionalism, capability, accountability, administration and educational management

Electrical Engineering of Engineering Department exist to provide an education for the society in electrical field, with the purpose of:

  1. Preparing students to become a person in the society who have academic ability/professionalism and ready to implement the knowledge they have in electrical engineering (according to mission 1)
  2. Escalating the culture of scientific research in both students and lecturers
  3. Increasing the collaboration with both internal and external partners
  4. Increasing the administration efficiency